Reachdesk: in summary

Reachdesk is an innovative platform that enables businesses to create personalized and memorable experiences through direct mail and gifting automation. By combining the power of technology and thoughtful gestures, Reachdesk helps organizations engage with prospects, customers, and partners on a deeper level, driving meaningful connections and boosting conversion rates.

Key Features:

  1. Personalized Direct Mail Campaigns: Reachdesk allows you to create highly personalized direct mail campaigns at scale. Tailor messages, select custom gifts, and design branded packaging to make a lasting impression on your recipients. Personalized direct mail stands out in a digital world and helps your brand make a memorable impact.

  2. Intelligent Automation: Streamline your direct mail and gifting workflows with Reachdesk's intelligent automation features. Connect Reachdesk with your CRM or marketing automation platforms to trigger automated sending based on specific actions or milestones. Save time and effort while ensuring timely and personalized interactions with your audience.

  3. Gift Selection and Fulfillment: Choose from a wide range of high-quality gifts and promotional items to include in your direct mail campaigns. Whether it's a personalized note, company swag, or a luxury gift, Reachdesk takes care of the sourcing, packaging, and fulfillment. Effortlessly create delightful moments for your recipients without the logistical hassle.

  4. Analytics and Tracking: Gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your direct mail campaigns with Reachdesk's analytics and tracking capabilities. Track deliveries, open rates, and response rates to measure engagement and ROI. By understanding the impact of your efforts, you can refine your strategies and optimize future campaigns.

  5. Integration Capabilities: Reachdesk seamlessly integrates with popular CRM, marketing automation, and sales enablement platforms, making it easy to incorporate direct mail and gifting into your existing workflows. Sync recipient data, automate campaign triggers, and track activities within your preferred tools, ensuring a cohesive and efficient process.


  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Stand out from the competition by delivering personalized and thoughtful experiences that resonate with your customers. Reachdesk enables you to create meaningful connections, leading to increased engagement, loyalty, and advocacy.

  • Higher Conversion Rates: Personalized direct mail campaigns have been proven to drive higher conversion rates compared to traditional marketing channels. By leveraging Reachdesk's capabilities, you can capture the attention of your target audience and inspire them to take action.

  • Brand Differentiation: In a digital-centric world, physical gestures like direct mail and gifting provide a unique opportunity to differentiate your brand. Reachdesk helps you create memorable brand experiences that leave a lasting impression and set you apart from competitors.

  • Improved Sales and Customer Relationships: Strengthen your sales efforts and build stronger relationships with prospects and customers. Reachdesk's automation capabilities enable your sales team to send personalized gifts at strategic touchpoints, nurturing leads and fostering meaningful connections.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Leverage Reachdesk's analytics and tracking features to gain valuable insights into the success of your campaigns. By understanding which strategies and gifts drive the best results, you can optimize your approach and allocate resources effectively.

Its benefits

Personalization at Scale

Seamless Integration

Data-Driven Analytics

Reachdesk: its rates

On demand

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