Smaply: in summary

Smaply is designed for businesses that aim to enhance customer experiences through journey mapping. Ideal for CX professionals, it offers collaborative tools and visualization techniques that set it apart from competitors. Track stakeholder empathy, create personas, and visualize customer journeys effortlessly.

What are the main features of Smaply?

Customer Journey Mapping

Smaply excels in creating detailed customer journey maps that help businesses understand and improve customer experiences. This feature offers:

  • Drag-and-drop interface for easy design
  • Multiple lane types for comprehensive mapping
  • Automatic layout adjustments as you build

Persona Building

Smaply enables you to create detailed personas, which are essential for understanding your target audience. Each persona feature includes:

  • Customizable templates
  • Rich media insertion (images, videos)
  • Comprehensive attribute collection (demographics, behavior patterns)

Collaborative Features

Smaply's collaborative tools allow team members to work together seamlessly, aligning everyone toward a common goal of better customer experience. Key collaborative elements include:

  • Real-time editing with instant updates
  • Shared workspace for team accessibility
  • Commenting and feedback options within maps

Journey Map Repository

Mantain an organized and easily accessible repository of all your journey maps. This feature ensures that:

  • Easy, grouped by-project storage
  • Quick access for editing or presenting
  • Version history for tracking changes over time

Its benefits

easy collaboration with your team and stakeholders

professional exports in PDF, PNG, Powerpoint and Excel

dedicated customer support


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