CDD, CDI, CTT... We take stock of the different employment contracts

An employment contractis when one person (an employee) agrees to work for another (an employer) in return for remuneration.
CDI and CDD are not the only contracts you can enter into in France. There are different types of contract, with different characteristics depending on the activity, duration, nature of the work, etc.
Find out more about the different types of employment contracts available in France.
What are the different types of employment contract?
Open-ended contracts - CDI
The CDI is the most widely used contract in France, and does not specify a termination date. However, it can be terminated :
- By resignation (employee);
- By dismissal for just cause (employer);
- By means of an individual or collective "rupture conventionnelle" (mutual agreement between the two parties).
👉 According to INSEE, in 2019, 75% of people in employment are on open-ended contracts (CDI).
Fixed-term contracts - CDD
A fixed-term contract (CDD ) is an employment contract concluded between two parties for the performance of a specific task for a defined period of time. It can only be concluded in a few cases specified by law, such as for a temporary increase in activity or to replace an absent employee.
There are other types of fixed-term contract:
- The fixed-term contract for a defined purpose, reserved for the recruitment of engineers and managers. It ends once the task has been completed (between 18 and 36 months);
- The senior CDD, reserved for people over 57 who have been looking for work for at least 3 months, or in the case of a personalized redeployment agreement.
Temporary employment contract - CTT
The CTT is similar to the CDD: it is concluded for a precise task and for a defined period of time. The change lies in the existence of a third party, a temporary employment agency.
This company concludes a contract with the employee for an assignment proposed by a "user" company.
Like the CDD, the temporary employment contract can only be concluded in certain cases specified by law, such as when waiting for a new employee to take up a position, or for seasonal jobs.
Apprenticeship or professionalization contracts
An apprenticeship or professionalization contract is used to recruit a student on a work-study program. This allows the apprentice to alternate training and work experience.
Apprenticeship contracts can be concluded for a limited period (from 1 to 4 years) or for an indefinite period. In the latter case, the contract begins as an apprenticeship and then becomes a permanent contract.
Part-time employment contract
This contract is concluded when the working time is less than full-time or less than the legal working time in the company.
An employee hired on a part-time basis may have several employers, but the total number of hours worked must not exceed the legal maximum.
Intermittent employment contracts
The intermittent employment contract is concluded in the event of alternating periods of work and non-work, corresponding to fluctuations in the employer's activities.
This type of contract is used for permanent jobs which, by their very nature, alternate between work and non-work periods, such as ski instructors or trainers.
Other specific contracts
Worksite or operations contract
The worksite or operations contract is an open-ended contract in the sense that it ends only when the worksite is completed.
Educational commitment contract - CEE
The contrat d'engagement éducatif(CEE) is intended for leaders and directors of group camps for minors in France. It's a special contract that deviates from the rules of labor law, more specifically as regards working hours, rest and remuneration.
Seasonal contracts
This contract is characterized by assignments recurring every year on roughly fixed dates, but not exceeding 8 months. It is necessary for jobs in harvesting, picking or the tourism sector.
Single insertion contract - CUI
The "contrat unique d'insertion" (single integration contract) is designed to facilitate the professional integration of unemployed people experiencing particular social and professional difficulties in gaining access to employment.
In the commercial sector, it takes the form of a contrat initiative emploi (CIE), while in the non-commercial sector it takes the form of a contrat d'accompagnement dans l'emploi (CAE).
We hope we've shed some light on the different types of employment contract that exist in France.
But don't forget, before you start your recruitment process, take the time to assess your needs and choose the best type of employment contract.
Article translated from French