Experro: in summary

Experro – Elevating Experiences

Experro is a unique Digital Experience Platform that is both fully composable and fully managed, designed to provide exceptional shopping experiences that are fast, personalized, and unforgettable. It offers a unified commerce platform that supports scalability and flexibility for e-commerce businesses of all types and levels of digital maturity, while enabling them to go headless.

Experro is the only headless platform that allows merchants with a single-vendor convenience to create and deliver stunning, high-performing e-commerce frontend experiences without the need for multiple contracts, systems, or integrations. Its product suite includes a comprehensive set of features that cater to all eCommerce frontend, headless, and product discovery needs. To summarize, Experro offers a wide range of benefits to enhance your business.

Experro Content

An all-in-one, no-code, frontend platform that allows your team to achieve creative autonomy to compose rich, blazing-fast, and mobile-optimized high-converting store frontends and websites powered with dynamic SSR and PWA technology that work with BigCommerce, Shopify, or any backend.

- Headless Store Frontend

- No-code Store Builder 

- Centralized Content Management 

- Media Manager 

- Content Workflow

- Headless CMS 

- Content Modeling 

- Headless API

- Website Builder

- Content Versioning 

- Localization Support

- Content Scheduling 

- Release Management

- SEO Tools 

Experro Discovery

An AI-powered product discovery that empowers businesses to deliver rich, relevant, and rewarding shopping experiences using customer intents to drive engagement and grow sales.

- AI-powered Search 

- Autocomplete and Autocorrect 

- Synonyms 

- SKU Search 

- Natural Language Processing

- Search Facets 

- Search API

- Search Insights

- Visual Merchandising 

- Boost/Burry and Include/Exclude 

- Pinning 

- Slotting 

- A/B Testing 

- Merchandising Insights

- Automated Catalog Sync 

- Customer Segments

- Enterprise Grade security with data encryption, authentication, and authorization.
- Source Code Versioning 
- Multi-site Support 
- Implementation Support
- Customer Segments
- Developer Support 
- Authentication & Authorization
- Multiple environments 
- 24X7 Support
- Unlimited Integrations

Its benefits

Fully Composable


Fully Manageable

One-of-its-kind Digital Experience Platform

Experro - Experro - Headless CMS
Experro - Experro - Headless CMS
Experro - Experro - Headless CMS
Experro - Experro - eCommerce Store Frontend
Experro - Experro - Website Builder
Experro - Experro - AI Powered Search
Experro - Experro - Merchandising

Experro: its rates

On demand

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