Keepeek DAM: in summary

Keepeek DAM offers a powerful digital asset management solution designed specifically for enterprises that need to organize, store, and retrieve large volumes of digital content. Perfect for marketing teams, creative agencies, and publishing houses, Keepeek DAM stands out with advanced search capabilities, seamless integrations, and robust metadata management.

What are the main features of Keepeek DAM?

Advanced Search Capabilities

Keepeek DAM allows users to locate assets quickly with innovative search features. Catering to large-scale operational needs, retrieval is efficient and precise.

  • Keyword-based Search: Utilize metadata tags to find assets with keyword searching.
  • Advanced Filtering: Apply multiple criteria to narrow down search results efficiently.
  • Faceted Navigation: Browse through segmented collections for quick access to specific asset groups.

Seamless Integrations

Keepeek DAM can be integrated effortlessly with other tools and platforms, making cross-functional workflows more straightforward.

  • API Integrations: Flexible APIs to connect with various third-party systems for smoother data exchange.
  • Software Ecosystem Compatibility: Seamlessly works with popular CRMs, CMSs, and design software.
  • Cloud Storage Options: Incorporate with major cloud storage solutions for expanded storage capabilities.

Robust Metadata Management

Managing and utilizing metadata is a breeze with Keepeek DAM, ensuring all digital assets are systematically organized and easily retrievable.

  • Auto-Metadata Generation: Automatically generates metadata to help classify and organize assets.
  • Customizable Metadata Fields: Create and manage custom metadata schemas tailored to your organizational needs.
  • Metadata Import/Export: Import metadata from existing systems or export to spreadsheets for external analysis.

Its benefits

Automatic face recognition

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Keepeek DAM: its rates

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