Cockpit de l'Expérience Client: in summary

Cockpit de l'Expérience Client is designed for businesses seeking to elevate their customer experience strategy. Ideal for customer experience managers and marketing teams, this interface excels in capturing real-time feedback and provides actionable insights. Key features include automated feedback collection, in-depth analytics, and seamless integration with existing systems.

What are the main features of Cockpit de l'Expérience Client?

Real-Time Feedback Collection

Empower your team with immediate customer perspectives. Our system captures feedback instantly, allowing for timely interventions and improvements to enhance satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Dynamic surveys: Customize surveys according to different customer touchpoints.
  • Multiple channels: Collect feedback via email, SMS, and on-site widgets.
  • Anonymity options: Provide an anonymous mode for more candid responses.

In-depth Analytics and Reporting

Transform feedback into valuable insights with powerful analytics. Understand trends, identify pain points, and track improvement over time using our comprehensive reporting tools.

  • Custom reports: Generate reports tailored to specific campaigns or customer segments.
  • Data visualization: Intuitive charts and graphs for easy interpretation of data.
  • Trend analysis: Detect and analyze shifts in customer sentiment across different periods.

Seamless System Integration

Enhance your current system with our easy-to-integrate solutions. Cockpit de l'Expérience Client can be smoothly incorporated into your existing workflows, maximizing the utility of both platforms.

  • API support: Extensive API documentation for smooth connectivity.
  • CRM compatibility: Integrates effortlessly with popular CRM systems such as Salesforce and HubSpot.
  • Third-party apps: Connect with other essential business tools and applications.

Its benefits

Certifications:ISO 27001

Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - Video
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - It is possible to have the details for an indicator
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - All customer relationship in a mobile application
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - Access by login and password
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - Performance indicators with targets
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - internal chat to discuss a subject (KPI, verbatim ...)
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - Monitoring the customer journey
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - The customer journey by product, sector, shop ...
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - All can view customer data
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - The evolution of performance over time
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - The verbatim accessed and filterable by profile
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - Monitoring the performance of the call center satisfaction surveys
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - The idea box 2.0
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - The indicators monitored in real Temp
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - tailored customer experience
Cockpit de l'Expérience Client - Internal lift from the app

Cockpit de l'Expérience Client: its rates

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