TrackingTime: in summary

TrackingTime is a robust time-tracking solution perfect for teams and freelancers looking to enhance productivity. Highlighting extensive project management tools, real-time reporting, and seamless team collaboration, this software sets itself apart in the time tracking category.

What are the main features of TrackingTime?

Comprehensive Project Management

TrackingTime offers tools that allow users to efficiently manage multiple projects concurrently, ensuring deadlines are met and workloads are balanced. Key features include:

  • Task Organization: Divide projects into manageable tasks and assign them to team members for better tracking and execution.
  • Deadline Tracking: Set and monitor project deadlines with reminders to ensure timely completion.
  • Milestone Management: Break projects into milestones and track progress effortlessly.

Real-Time Reporting

This feature provides users with accurate data to analyze their productivity and make informed decisions. Essential components are:

  • Detailed Reports: Generate real-time reports on hours worked, project progress, and resource allocation.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Create personalized dashboards to view key metrics and performance indicators at a glance.
  • Exportable Data: Easily export reports in various formats for external use or presentation.

Seamless Team Collaboration

Enhance your team's productivity by promoting collaboration and communication through TrackingTime's intuitive interface. Core features include:

  • Shared Calendars: Integrate shared calendars to coordinate team schedules and avoid conflicts.
  • Communication Tools: Access built-in messaging and notification systems to keep everyone on the same page.
  • Role Assignment: Assign roles and responsibilities to team members, ensuring clarity and accountability.

Its benefits

Multi-device time keeping in real-time

Online timesheet creation and reporting

Project management and integrations

TrackingTime - Dashboard
TrackingTime - Dashboard
TrackingTime - Dashboard
TrackingTime - Track hours
TrackingTime - Projects
TrackingTime - Timesheets
TrackingTime - Time cards
TrackingTime - Pace board

TrackingTime: its rates

On demand

Clients alternatives to TrackingTime

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