Discover the 10 Best CRMs to Build a Strong Construction Business

Discover the 10 Best CRMs to Build a Strong Construction Business

By Lucas Brachet
Published: 3/14/23

Are you a contractor evolving in a fiercely competitive industry, willing to create efficient customer relationships and smooth sales process management? You're in the right place!

Business managers are adopting CRM software to streamline sales processes, increase efficiency, and grow their businesses to stay ahead of the game.

Discover the construction industry's Top 10 CRMs and their standout features, advantages, and potential limitations. Understanding which elements are most relevant when selecting the best CRM for your team is crucial. These options include project management and sales tracking tools, email marketing and automation tools, scheduling and calendar tools, and mobile apps, among others.

Learn about the key features, tools, and capabilities of each of the top 10 CRMs for construction to make an informed decision when selecting the right CRM for your company.


BuilderTrend is a comprehensive construction management CRM that manages your customer relationships and building projects. A centralized database, project management tools, and scheduling tools make it an excellent choice for construction companies looking to streamline their operations.

BuilderTrend presents extensive capabilities for managing customer relationships and construction projects. While this makes it a powerful tool, it can also make it more complex for new users.

Altogether, BuilderTrend's learning curve can be overcome with training and practice. And given the software's potent abilities, it's worth investing the appropriate time and effort to master them.

Key Features

  • Project management tools for tracking construction projects.
  • Budget tracking and forecasting.
  • Document management and version control.
  • Scheduling and calendar tools.

Positive Aspects

  • Keen insights into project progress and budgets.
  • Enhanced collaboration tools for team members.
  • Increased productivity and convenient access via a mobile app.

Limitations and Concerns

  • Greater complexity for new users.
  • Longer learning curve.


Pipedrive is a flexible and easy-to-use tool that helps construction sales teams efficiently manage customer relationships. Its customizable pipeline and deal-tracking tools make it an excellent choice for busy sales departments to stay on top of potential leads.

Pipedrive offers customizable pipelines for tracking sales progress, one of the software's standout features. Pipelines allow users to visualize their sales process as a series of stages, from initial contact with prospects to closing the deal. These pipelines can be customized to match your particular sales process, allowing users to track progress and identify potential bottlenecks or issues. The pipelines can be customized with specific stages, such as “lead generation”, “prospecting”, “negotiation”, and “closing” and each step can be assigned particular actions and deadlines.

Pipedrive CRM is a flexible and easy-to-use tool. However, the software has limited integration options with third-party tools and finite customization options for reports and dashboards.

Key Features

  • Customizable pipelines for tracking sales progress.
  • Deal tracking and management tools.
  • Powerful reporting and analytics tools.
  • Collaboration tools for team members.
  • Mobile apps for on-the-go access.

Positive Aspects

  • Sharp insights into sales performance and forecasting.
  • Increased productivity and convenient access via a mobile app.

Limitations and Concerns

  • Limited integration options with third-party tools.
  • Finite customization options for reports and dashboards.

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Maximize your sales efficiency
Learn more about Pipedrive sales CRM sales CRM is a highly adaptable CRM providing powerful ways to manage customer relationships and sales processes. Its customizable workflows and automation make it an excellent choice for construction companies looking to streamline their sales processes.'s versatile platform provides a vast range of features catering to the unique needs of the construction industry. The software's custom workflows enable construction companies to create personally-tailored processes that suit their specific needs. Meanwhile, the platform's collaboration tools improve communication and facilitate teamwork, to reduce delays and improve efficiency. With real-time tracking capabilities, construction companies can access up-to-date project information, helping them make informed decisions about their projects. offers improved organization and efficiency and reduced administrative workloads through its automation. However, the software has limited customization options for dashboards and a higher price than other CRM software.

Key Features

  • Customizable workflows and automation.
  • Collaboration-inspiring tools for team members.
  • Calendar and scheduling tools.
  • Vivid reporting and analytics tools.

Positive Aspects

  • Perceptive insights into sales performance and forecasting.
  • Improved organization and efficiency in managing customer relationships and sales processes.
  • Reduced administrative workloads through automation.
  • Increased accessibility and flexibility with mobile apps.

Limitations and Concerns

  • Limited customization options for dashboards.
  • Higher priced than other CRMs.
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Salesforce for Construction

Salesforce for Construction is a powerful tool for servicing customer relationships and tracking sales processes. Its powerful database and easy integration with other Salesforce tools make it an excellent choice for construction sales teams looking to improve their sales processes.

Salesforce's CRM touts customization options enabling construction companies to tailor the software to their unique requirements. Additionally, the platform's analytics capabilities provide valuable insights into construction projects, helping companies make more educated decisions about their business. And with collaboration tools that encourage teamwork and communication, the overall efficiency of construction projects is greatly improved.

In a nutshell, Salesforce CRM for Construction is a powerful tool that offers reduced administrative workloads through automation and valuable insights into sales performance and forecasting. However, the software has a steeper learning curve and a relatively higher cost when matched against its competitors.

Key Features

  • Customizable databases for customer information.
  • Sales tracking and management tools.
  • Robust reporting and analytics tools.
  • Easy integration with other complimentary Salesforce tools.

Positive Aspects

  • Improved organization and efficiency in managing customer relationships and sales processes.
  • Valuable insights into sales performance and forecasting.
  • Increased accessibility and flexibility via its cloud-based platform.

Limitations and Concerns

  • A steeper learning curve given the variety of customizations available.
  • A relatively higher cost than its competitors.

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot is a free, all-in-one CRM. Its email marketing and automation tools make it an excellent choice for construction companies looking to enhance and automate their customer relationships.

HubSpot's free version offers contact management, deal tracking, and lead capture forms, making it a valuable tool for managing customer relationships. And add-on marketing and sales tools integrate seamlessly with the CRM, allowing construction companies to create campaigns and automate workflows to streamline sales processes.

While the free version's capabilities are somewhat limited, it is exceptionally cost-effective for small construction businesses looking to manage customer relationships. Overall, HubSpot's FREE version of its CRM offers just enough features to make it a viable tool for sales teams looking to improve efficiency and sales performance on the cheap.

However, some customers may find the free version of the software too limited for their needs. And while the paid version offers far more features, they can come at a price that can end up slightly higher than its rivals.

Key Features

  • Sales tracking and management tools.
  • Email marketing and automation tools.

Positive Aspects

  • Improved organization and efficiency in managing customer relationships and sales processes.
  • Useful insights into sales performance and forecasting.
  • Increased accessibility and flexibility with mobile apps.

Limitations and Concerns

  • The free version of the software is too limited for some users.
  • The paid version offers far more features, although at a higher price than its rivals.


FollowUp is a CRM built specifically with the construction industry in mind. Its adaptable database and email automation tools make it an excellent choice for companies looking to improve their sales and marketing processes.

FollowUp is one of a few CRMs dedicated to the construction industry to make our Top 10 list. The software's sales pipeline management tools intuitively manage deals and opportunities, given its specific build for the building trades. And FollowUp's analytics and reporting features provide valuable insights into sales performance, enabling construction companies to make intelligent data-driven decisions.

On the flip side, FollowUp's user interface may appear outdated or less intuitive than other CRM options. Additionally, while FollowUp offers some automation capabilities, users may prefer more advanced automation tools found in other CRM software. Finally, FollowUp's pricing plans may not be as flexible or affordable for smaller construction businesses. While certainly providing value for construction businesses, some may prefer a more modern user interface, advanced automation capabilities, or flexible pricing options.

Key Features

  • Customizable databases for customer information.
  • Sales tracking and management tools.

Positive Aspects

  • Organization and efficiency in managing customer relationships and sales processes.
  • Profitable insights into sales performance and forecasting.

Limitations and Concerns

  • The user interface may appear outdated or less intuitive than other CRM options.
  • Less advanced automation tools.
  • Pricing plans may not be as flexible or affordable for smaller construction businesses.


JobNimbus is another project management CRM explicitly designed for the construction industry. Its project management and scheduling tools make it an excellent choice for construction companies looking to manage their projects and customer relationships in one place.

JobNimbus provides comprehensive tools for managing construction projects and customer relationships. The software enables users to manage projects from start to finish, with features such as task lists, checklists, and scheduling. The platform also provides contact and lead management tools, allowing users to organize and track customer data. JobNimbus also integrates well with several third-party tools, such as QuickBooks and Google Drive, creating a more dynamic synthesis of the tools you use to manage your business.

While the mobile app provides access to project information on the go, some users may find the app less user-friendly than others. Overall, JobNimbus certainly offers value. However, some may prefer a more modern user interface or require more advanced project management features.

Key Features

  • Intuitive project management tools for tracking construction projects.
  • Scheduling and calendar tools.
  • Excellent reporting and analytics tools.

Positive Aspects

  • Improved organization and efficiency in managing customer relationships and construction projects.
  • Better insights into project progress and scheduling.

Limitations and Concerns

  • Customers may find the mobile app less user-friendly than its competitors.
  • It has a somewhat less modern user interface.
  • Fewer advanced project management features are available.


Jobber is a field service software product that assists construction companies in managing their scheduling and dispatch processes. These tools alone may make it an excellent choice for construction companies looking to streamline their field service management processes.

Overall, Jobber's tools make it a valuable option for construction businesses looking to streamline billing and other business management tasks. Its robust scheduling and dispatching tools enable construction companies to efficiently manage their team's schedules and appointments. And the platform also offers quote and invoice management tools to create and transmit customer quotes and invoices.

The software's pricing may be higher than others, particularly for larger construction businesses or those with more complex needs. Additionally, while Jobber has great scheduling and dispatching tools, some users may prefer more advanced project management features found in other products.

Key Features

  • Customizable database for customer information.
  • Mobile app for field service management.
  • Insightful reporting and analytics tools.

Positive Aspects

  • Improved organization and efficiency in managing customer relationships and field service management processes.
  • Vital insights into scheduling and dispatch processes.
  • Increased accessibility and flexibility with mobile app.

Limitations and Concerns

  • The software's pricing may be higher for larger construction businesses or those with more complex needs.
  • Fewer advanced project management features available.


Insightly is a cloud-based CRM built to manage customer relationships and sales processes for active construction sales teams. Its sales tracking and project management tools make it an excellent choice for companies needing to strengthen and streamline their operations.

Insightly offers various project management tools that govern projects from start to finish. With features such as task lists, calendars, and milestones, Inslightly keeps your sales and project teams on task. And the platform's reporting and analytics tools provide practical insights into business performance, enabling construction companies to make profitable data-driven decisions.

While the platform will interact with several popular third-party tools, it offers fewer programs to integrate with than other CRMs on our Top 10 list. Be sure to check on your specific needs before purchasing any CRM.

Key Features

  • Customizable databases for customer information.
  • Robust sales tracking and management tools.
  • Project management tools for tracking construction projects.
  • Collaboration tools for team members.
  • Mobile apps for on-the-go access.

Positive Aspects

  • Excellent organization and efficiency in managing customer relationships, sales processes, and construction projects.
  • Deep insights into sales performance, project progress, and scheduling.
  • Increased accessibility and flexibility with mobile app and cloud-based platform.
  • Enhanced collaboration among team members.

Limitations and Concerns

  • Fewer integrations available with third party apps than other competing CRMs.

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Salesmate is a sales-focused CRM that can help construction companies refine and automate their sales activities and processes. Its customer deal tracking tools make it an excellent choice for sales representatives to stay connected and interactive with potential buyers.

In addition to excellent contact and lead management tools, Salesmate offers sales pipeline management tools to help manage deals and opportunities. Salesmate also offers task and appointment scheduling features to manage agendas more efficiently. The platform's reporting and analytics tools provide insights into business performance, enabling more robust data-driven decision-making. Additionally, Salesmate delivers integrations with third-party tools, such as QuickBooks and Google Drive.

While Salesmate supplies reporting and analytics tools, some users may prefer more advanced capabilities from their CRM. And although Salesmate offers real value, those prioritizing pricing or advanced reporting and analytics features over price may want to compare Salesmate to other CRM software options before purchasing.

Key Features

  • Customizable database for customer information.
  • Sales tracking and management tools.
  • Email automation tools.
  • Solid reporting and analytics tools.

Positive Aspects

  • Organization and efficiency in managing customer relationships and sales processes.
  • Valuable insights into sales performance and forecasting.

Limitations and Concerns

  • Some customers may want more advanced capabilities from their CRM.
  • Fewer advanced reporting and analytics features.

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software
Learn more about Salesmate

What is the Best CRM for Construction Sales & Project Teams?

When choosing a CRM for your construction business sales and project teams, consider your most essential requirements first. Many different features and benefits are available, but only some will be relevant to your needs.

The choices are many, from tracking customer data and building project timelines to management, marketing, and automation tools! But by carefully evaluating the options of each CRM, you'll have the tools and resources necessary to grow your business and succeed in today's highly-competitive, data-driven environment.

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