HR Technology Conference & Exposition: Define the future of human resources

From March 1-4, 2022, The HR Technology Conference & Exposition® will take place in a virtual format for everyone around the world. Do not miss it!
In recent years, advances in digital technologies, including robotics, artificial intelligence, algorithms and machine learning, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT) arouse more and more debate both within the human resources process and among employers. What will be the future of HR technology? How to use HR technology in an efficient way to optimize the HR process and increase productivity? To answer these questions, HR Technology, the industry’s leading event for more than 20 years, is organizing the HR Technology Conference & Exposition. This conference will be broadcast from March 1-4, 2022 in a virtual format.
About the HR Technology Conference & Exposition®
Founded in 1997, the HR technology conference and exposition is the longest-running in-person HR technology event that shows up the demo of 100+ newest HR technologies. Continuing the success of the in-person event and due to pandemic situation, in 2020, the HR Technology Conference & Exposition® launched a virtual format for its international participants around the world on their website to access easily and also in order to animate the community. And this year, the conference announced its returns in another virtual version.
Not only it’s a technology showcase, but it’s also an occasion for companies to learn more about how to exploit HR technology in an efficient way, get insight from experts. Some of the famous speakers are Josh Bersin - Global Industry Analyst and Dean, Josh Bersin Academy; Gianna Driver - Chief Human Resources Officer, Exabeam; Britt Andreatta - Ph.D. CEO, 7th Mind Company; George Larocque - Founder and Principal Analyst, WorkTech; Mark Stelzner - Founder & Managing Principal, IA HR; Stacia Garr - Co-founder & Principal Analyst, RedThread Research.
This year’s sponsors are Paychex,, icims, Servicenow, Oracle, etc.
Why you shouldn't miss the HR Technology Conference & Exposition® 2022
The HR Technology Conference & Exposition® 2022 is a good opportunity for companies around the world to:
- Learn about the importance of using HR technology in their HR process: the opportunities, the challenges, the changes;
- Meet the speakers who are experts in HR technology, get the most interesting insight and advice from the companies who have succeeded in integrating HR technology in their strategy.
- Participate in the largest exposition of HR technology
The event will take place only remotely. If you would like to participate in the event, you have to register on the website of the conference. The conference is totally free for everyone!
Discover how attending the HR Technology Conference & Exposition® 2022 can help you become a master of HR technology in the digital age.
Stay tuned for more information!