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What’s new? A massive change in AI policy by UNESCO in 2022

What’s new? A massive change in AI policy by UNESCO in 2022

By Nguyen Oanh

Published: February 22, 2022

Nowadays, AI advances have remarkable value and the potential for social and financial development. However, it presents also some difficulties to policymakers by raising huge worries over predisposition, and discrimination. This is the reason why UNESCO has launched the new policy in AI in 2022 in order to give companies recommendations on how to develop AI in a safe and efficient way. Let’s find it out now!

Protecting data

UNESCO calls for action beyond what companies are already doing to ensure the transparency and privacy of personal information. Everyone should have the right to have access to their data and be aware of the use of their personal data. Furthermore, it also calls for the capacity of worldwide administrative bodies to enforce this.

Banning social scoring and mass surveillance

The new policy mentioned the cancellation of the use of AI systems in social scoring and mass surveillance. The objective is to protect human rights and freedom. Moreover, computer-based intelligence advances ought not to be given legal personality themselves.

Fighting against climate change

The recommendations of UNESCO concerns also the use of AI tools to fight against climate change and environmental issues which are urgent subjects nowadays. Why does AI have a link with climate change? Because the manufacturing of AI technologies concerns the carbon footprint, the use of energy, and raw materials. Moreover, companies should favor the development of green tech to improve energy consumption.

Training for youth on AI

As part of educational responsibility, UNESCO has launched the new guidance in which they talk about the ethics of artificial intelligence, the role of AI training, and human rights for young people. The progress of science must be accompanied by ethics. This policy shows the effort of UNESCO in its educational role and sustainable development.